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Masses and activities

at Holy Spirit and other parishes

Misas y actividades

en el Espíritu Santo

y otras parroquias

All liturgies will be Live on Facebook.



(Theology Through Technology)

Todos los liturgias seran en vivo por Facebook

y en


(Theology Through Technology)

Masses with Bishop Mark Seitz

Misas con el Obispo Mark Seitz

Saturday: 4:00p (English, Anticipated)

  • Also televised at 11:00a Sunday on The CW:
    Over the air: Channel 7.2
    Spectrum: Channel 13 / HD Channel 1212
    Comcast Xfinity: Channel 14
    DirecTV: Channel 8 / HD Channel 936
    Dish Network: Channel 17 / HD Channel 7595
    AT&T U-verse: Channel 19 / HD Channel 1019

Tuesday, Thursday: 8:30a (English)
Miercoles, Viernes: 8:30a (español)

Sunday - Domingo

9 am Mass [St. Pius X]

10 am  Misa [ Espíritu Santo ]

11 am Misa [St. Pius X]

12 pm Mass [ Holy Spirit ]

1:30 pm Misa [St. Raphael]

Monday - Lunes

6:00 am Mass [Our Lady of Peace, Alpine] (7am Alpine time)

11:45 am Mid-Day Prayer and Angelus [Diocese]

6:00 pm Mass [Holy Spirit]

7:00 pm Alabanza y Oración [Espirítu Santo]


Tuesday - Martes

6:00 am Misa [Our Lady of Peace, Alpine] (7am Alpine time)

11:45 am Mid-Day Prayer and Angelus [Diocese]

7:00 pm Praise and Worship [Holy Spirit]


Wednesday - Miercoles

6:00 am Mass [Our Lady of Peace, Alpine] (7am Alpine time)

8:00 am Misa [Espirítu Santo]

11:45 am Mid-Day Prayer and Angelus [Diocese]

6:00 pm Reflexiones de Fe [Espirítu Santo]

7:00 pm Praise and Worship -Oración y Alabanza [Espirítu Santo]

Thursday - Jueves

6:00 am Misa [Our Lady of Peace, Alpine] (7am Alpine time)

11:45 am Mid-Day Prayer and Angelus [Diocese]

6:00 pm Santa Misa [Espirítu Santo]

7:00 pm Oración y Alabanza [Espirítu Santo]

Friday - Viernes

6:00 am Mass [Our Lady of Peace, Alpine] (7am Alpine time)

8:00 am Mass [Holy Spirit]

11:45 am Mid-Day Prayer and Angelus [Diocese]

6:00pm Holy Hour - Hora Santa [Espirítu Santo]

             (On the first and third Fridays of the month)

             (El primer y tercer viernes del mes.)

Saturday - Sabado

3:30 pm Confessions - Confesiones

       (Church Parking Lot  - Estacionamiento de la Iglesia )

5:00 pm Mass [Our Lady of Peace, Alpine] (6pm Alpine time)

6:00 pm Mass [Our Lady of Peace, Alpine] (7pm Alpine time)

Other Livestreamed Masses

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